nShift Checkout - Shopify - User Guide
nShift Checkout till Shopify
Senaste versionen är 1.1.36 som släpptes 2024-03-04 - Fullständig ändringslogg längst ner på sidan, inklusive tidigare releaser
Some key features included in the nShift Checkout Shopify app
POPULAR! - Built in Shipping Configurator- Create your own shipping rules and manage carrier specific features
Display your carriers and shipping methods in checkout
Display pick-up locations, service points and boxes
Automatically fulfill & create shipping labels and customs docs on new orders (On/Off and customizable options to fit your needs)
Create shipping labels and customs docs when order is fulfilled manually (On/Off and customizable options to fit your needs)
Create stored shipments for later printing in nShift portal
Print shipping labels both separately and in bulk straight from Shopify order view
Track and trace when label is created the tracking number will be added to the order tracking in Shopify
Define and add your standard package sizes
Print options available for PDF or ZPL as well as different label sizes
NEW! - Custom declaration (ex. CN22, CN23 etc)
NEW! - Carrier and 3PL add-ons using JSON data field in the Shipping Configurator
NEW! - Show estimated delivery day for Instabox|
and more features coming...
Before we start
If you have Shopify Basic, Standard or Advanced plan you will have to pay annually for your Shopify plan to be able to activate the "Carrier calculated shipping" feature for free, which is needed to use this app. If you don't change to annually payment Shopify will ask you to pay $20 per month to activate it.
To activate "Carrier calculated shipping" for free you need follow these steps.
First change the Shopify plan payment to annually
Contact Shopify support and ask them to activate "carrier calculated shipping"
After Shopify support activate the feature it will take about 24- 48 hours before the changes are working properly.
If the nShift portal is configured properly you should see this when you go to Settings/Shipping & Delivery and click on Manage rates and then Carrier and app rates, nShift Checkout (Rates provided by app) see example pic below. If you still don't work after 48 hours, please contact us through the chat at oktagon.se

To be able to use this extension you will need a nShift Checkout account from nShift.
Create your nShift Checkout account
If you don’t have any nShift Checkout (or Unifaun DeliveryCheckout) account today we can create one for you, just contact us through the chat at oktagon.se
Questions and support regarding nShift
Questions or support regarding nShift services or settings at the nshift portal, please contact nShift directly. Use e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] or phone: +46-31-725 35 50
Regarding this manual and instructions
This manual does not cover all possible angles of nShift Checkout, just the app. All configurations regarding carriers, options and add-ons is made inside the nShift portal. If you have any questions about the app, please feel free to contact us at e-mail: [email protected] or via chat at oktagon.se
We also have a tutorial "How to install and configure nShift Checkout for Shopify" with english subtitle.
Install the app through the Shopify app store.
If you get the message "There is no page at this URL" when installation the nShift Checkout Shopify App, try go to https://udc-app.oktagon.dev/authenticate?shop=**XXXXXXXXXXXXXX**.myshopify.com Note! Change the X to your Shopify domain.
Enter this URL in your browser https://udc-app.oktagon.dev/authenticate?shop=**XXXXXXXXXXXXXX**.myshopify.com Note! Replace all the X's with your domain.
After you have installed this app you need to follow these steps.
Login to your Shopify store admin-page.
Click in the menu Apps to the left and click on nShift Checkout.
Follow the onboarding instructions.
Phone Number
Many carriers require a phone number for delivery notifications, therefore you need to enable the checkout shipping address phone number field in Shopify. To do this go to your Shopify store admin-page. From there, go to Settings > Checkout > Form Options > Shipping Address Phone Number and select Required, then Save.
Return Service
Pick which return service should be used when printing return labels.
If the return service requires SMS, you need to either enable the phone field in the checkout or manually add the phone to the customer address on the order before printing.
Package Size
Some services requires that a package size is sent with the request when creating a shipping label, here you can both create and select which package size should be the default.
Below Define Package Sizes (in meters) you can add new package sizes and then select those under the Package Size dropdown.
Print Options
Fill in your PDF/ZPL-settings and hit save.
Bulk print shipping labels
Choose all the orders you want to print, click “print labels” directly in Shopify's platform and your labels will be printed according to your predetermined settings.
Handling returns
Print return labels at the same time as the shipping label and include directly in the package for your customer. Configure your settings so your customer can drop the return at the same pick up location.
Pick up locations
Choose to show the closest pick up locations for your customers at checkout, listed according to price, name of transporter and alphabetical order with addresses and distance from where the customer is.
Automatic shipments
Save time and use “Automatic shipments”. All orders will be fulfilled as soon as they are placed and a shipping label will be produced and stored for when you decide to print.
Track and trace
Get a tracking link for the client and on the order to see tracking status.
Display your preferred shipping methods at checkout
Automatically fetches and displays the shipping methods from your nShift Checkout.
Package sizes
Add your own package sizes and select one as default.
Stored Shipments
Support for stored shipments so you can add additional information in your nShift Checkout-portal and print from there.
PDF and ZPL printing
Has support for both PDF and ZPL printing as well as different sizes and labels.
Key features
Display your carriers and shipping methods in checkout
Display pick up locations at checkout
Order fulfilment automation
Create shipping label automation
Print shipping labels, both separately and in bulk
Define and add your standard package sizes
Create stored shipments for later printing in nShift
Track and trace
Print options available for PDF or ZPL as well as different sizes on labels
Shipping configurator for returns, customs and carrier specific addons
New! - Custom declaration (ex. CN22, CN23 etc)
New! - Carrier and 3PL add-ons using JSON data field
We have more features coming and we work constantly to improve and enhance the experience when using the app. We welcome feedback in order to make the app better for our customers.
This plan will allow you an unlimited amount of orders for a monthly price.
This plan will allow you an unlimited amount of orders for a yearly price.
Usage Based
This plan will be free, but you have to fill up with usage charges. There'll be a button under the "Billing"-page which you can click to refill with 100 orders for $27.
These orders will get used up every time a customer places an actual order. When it reaches 0 you won't be able to print shipping labels and automation will turn off.
You can refill several times in a row, the orders will be on the account forever until they get used up.
[v1.1.36] [released on 2024-03-04]
Improvement for queue handling, added new setting for if return service is atypical
[v1.1.35] [released on 2023-10-19]
Performance improvements
[v1.1.34] [released on 2023-09-15]
Updated API support
[v1.1.33] [released on 2023-09-08]
Support for localization extensions variables in Custom JSON
[v1.1.32] [released on 2023-08-25]
Fix for customs declaration line value on orders with multiple variants of the same product
[v1.1.31] [released on 2023-08-10]
When fulfilling an order that lacks a pre-booked shipment the app now tries to regenerate a prebooked-shipment
[v1.1.30] [released on 2023-06-28]
Fix for fetching customs declaration information for orders with a single product
[v1.1.29] [released on 2023-06-28]
Updated API version to 2022-10
[v1.1.28] [released on 2023-06-26]
Fixed issue that occurred with invalid nShift credentials
[v1.1.27] [released on 2023-04-21]
Added support for native shipment numbers if available
[v1.1.26] [released on 2023-04-20]
Improved Transsmart support
[v1.1.25] [released on 2023-04-19]
Added support for Transsmart customers
[v1.1.24] [released on 2023-04-18]
Support for longer custom JSON data and supports optional white-spaces in custom documents declaration
[v1.1.23] [released on 2023-04-14]
Support for more advanced custom JSON syntax
[v1.1.22] [released on 2023-03-29]
In checkout original_currency and original_cartprice is sent to nShift Checkout and contains the store default currency and the cartprice specified in the default currency.
[v1.1.19] [released 2023-01-09]
Invalid Custom JSON does no longer break shipments
[v1.1.18] [released 2022-12-19]
Added product collections to nShift parameters in checkout isproductcollectionmycollection boolean value and countproductcollectionmycollection integer value for "My Collection" or "my-collection" or "my_collection".
[v1.1.17] [released 2022-11-03]
Removed state value for shipments to Great Britain
[v1.1.16] [released 2022-10-05]
Now possible to deselect a global return shipment service
[v1.1.15] [released 2022-09-21]
Support for automatic customs declarations
New Shipping configurator with custom JSON field
[v1.1.14] [released 2022-09-05]
Improved UI texts, error-handling for case were shipping service id is missing
[v1.1.13] [released 2022-08-29]
Full support for partial shipments and miscellaneous fixes
[v1.1.12] [2022-06-23]
Changed encoding of new orders tracking-links
[v1.1.11] [2022-06-20]
Bug fix for duplicate shipments in some scenarios
[v1.1.10] [2022-06-10]
Added 'Create Shipment When Fulfilling Orders' in installation
[v1.1.9] [2022-05-24]
Admin UI fixes
[v1.1.8] (2022-05-19)
Improved design of billing page
[v1.1.7] (2022-05-17)
Added option to disable shipment creation when manually fulfilling orders
[v1.1.6] (2022-05-02)
Added fields contact-name and state in shipment data
[v1.1.5] (2022-04-29)
Prepare id for shipments are now always the order number
[v1.1.4] (2022-04-26)
Usage-based billing working
[v1.1.3] (2022-04-11)
Bug fix for cart weight and total
[v1.1.2] New billing option and Help Center link
Added a new billing option with free monthly, but with usage charges instead.
Updated the Help Center link
[v1.1.1] Fix for potential issue with onboarding
Sometimes the page would crash when using certain functions.
These functions has now been avoided in the code.
[v1.1.0] Added support for Shopify JWT
Now supports JWT
[v1.0.4.2] Updated install instructions
Minor update with text changes
[v1.0.4.1] Installation crashes fixed
During installation a user could browser the app before having entered the nShift credentials.
This could cause various issues. The menu items are now hidden until the app is installed properly.
[v1.0.4] Bugfixes
Fixed various bugs in mass printing, automation, return labels.
Also added improvements to make them easier to use.
Styling/Layout has been improved throughout the app.
[v1.0.3] Mass printing
From the order list you can now select multiple orders and go to "More actions" to find, under "Apps", "Download Labels" and "Download Return Labels".
This will download a zip file containing all labels merged into a single "merged.pdf"-file and/or a "merged.zpl"-file.
Also added a cleaning routine which removes labels older than 7 days from the server and the temporary zip-files after 1 day.
The labels can still be downloaded from the nShift-portal.
[v1.0.2] Automation
To have fulfillment and labels automatically created when a customer submits an order, we've implemented automation.
With automation you only have to print the label/return label on the order.
[v1.0.1] Return labels
We've implemented support for return labels.
This includes a return shipment configurator accessable from the main menu in the app.
It also has a return service setting under the Settings-page.
This is used if no configuration matches, like a catch-all.
[v1.0.0] First release
First release contains the following functionality:
Labels (PDF and ZPL)
Tracking information (Email-notice)
Package sizes
Stored Shipments
Uppdaterad den: 04/03/2024
Tack så mycket!