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How to Map Shipping Methods in Shopify with Shipit Now

Short Version: Setting Up SHIPIT Mappings in the Shipit Now Shopify App by Oktagon

The SHIPIT Mappings feature in the Shipit Now app by Oktagon allows you to link Shopify shipping settings to SHIPIT's carrier options. Follow these steps:


Configure Shipping Methods in Shopify Shipping & Delivery

- Log in to your Shopify admin.
- Navigate to Settings > Shipping and delivery.
- Set up your shipping rates by clicking Manage rates and add/edit shipping zones and rates as needed.

Access the SHIPIT Mappings Feature

- Click Apps in the left-hand menu.
- Select Shipit Now from your installed apps.
- Go to Settings > Mappings.

Configure SHIPIT Mappings

- Click Add Mapping.
- Select a Shopify shipping method and the corresponding SHIPIT carrier and shipping service.
- Save your mapping.

Test Your Setup

- Create a test order in your Shopify store using a mapped shipping method.
- Verify the order appears correctly in the Shipit Now app with the correct SHIPIT carrier and shipping service.


Setting up SHIPIT Mappings in the Shipit Now Shopify app streamlines your shipping process by linking Shopify shipping methods to SHIPIT carriers.

Detailed Version: Setting Up SHIPIT Mappings in the Shipit Now Shopify App by Oktagon

The SHIPIT Mappings feature in the Shipit Now Shopify app by Oktagon helps streamline your shipping process by mapping your Shopify shipping settings to SHIPIT's carrier options. Follow these detailed steps to set up SHIPIT Mappings.

Table of Contents

Configure Shipping Methods in Shopify Shipping & Delivery
Access the SHIPIT Mappings Feature
Configure SHIPIT Mappings
Test Your Setup
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1. Configure Shipping Methods in Shopify Shipping & Delivery

Log in to your Shopify admin:
- Open your Shopify admin panel by logging in with your credentials.

Navigate to Shipping and delivery settings:
- In the left-hand menu, click on Settings and then Shipping and delivery.

Set up your shipping rates:
- In the Shipping section, click Manage rates.
- Add or edit shipping zones and rates as needed. Make sure to save your changes.

2. Access the SHIPIT Mappings Feature

Navigate to Apps:
- In the left-hand menu, click on Apps.

Select Shipit Now:
- From your list of installed apps, find and click on Shipit Now.

Go to SHIPIT Mappings:
- In the Shipit Now app dashboard, go to the Settings tab.
- Select SHIPIT Mappings.

3. Configure SHIPIT Mappings

Add a new mapping:
- Click on Add Mapping.
- In the dropdown menu, select a Shopify shipping method you set up in the previous steps.
- Choose the corresponding SHIPIT carrier and shipping service.

Define mapping details:
- Enter a name for the mapping to easily identify it.
- Specify any additional details required by SHIPIT (e.g., Labels, Notifications etc).

Save your mapping:
- Click Save to save your mapping.
- Repeat these steps to add more mappings as needed.

4. Test Your Setup

Create a test order:
- Go to your Shopify store and create a test order using one of the mapped shipping methods.

Verify SHIPIT integration:
- In the Shipit Now app, check that the test order appears with the correct SHIPIT carrier and shipping service.
- Ensure all mapping details are correctly applied.

5. Summary

Setting up the SHIPIT Mappings feature in the Shipit Now Shopify app by Oktagon helps optimize your shipping workflow by mapping your Shopify shipping methods to SHIPIT carriers. This guide provided the steps to configure Shopify shipping methods, access the SHIPIT Mappings feature, configure mappings, and test your setup.

- Installing the Shipit Now Shopify App
- Logic settings in Shipit Now
- Changelog

Updated on: 26/06/2024

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