nShift Checkout F.A.Q
Which Shopify plan do I need to have for the app to work?
You need one of the following Shopify options:
a development store
a Basic plan paid annually
a Standard plan paid annually
a Shopify Advanced plan
a Shopify Plus plan
This is a requirement from Shopify and applies to all shipping and delivery apps.
Where do I buy the nShift Checkout app for Shopify?
The app is available on Shopify Marketplace
What service/subscription do I need from nShift?
You need to have both nShift Delivery and Checkout. Get in touch at [email protected] or enter the chat via oktagon.se and we can order everything for you.
Is nShift's order connection (API Connect) included?
Yes, from 1/1-2022 is it included in all Checkout subscriptions?
I get a message that there is no page at the url when I try to install the app, how do I fix it?
Enter this address in your browser https://udc-app.oktagon.dev/authenticate?shop=**XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX**.myshopify.com NOTE! Replace all X's with your Shopify domain.
Why doesn't the tracking link work, it says "information not available" ?
The message can occur if the order has been sent over to nShift but not booked, it is there waiting to be completed.
If you want an order to be "fulfilled" and labels and tracking to work immediately, you should activate the "automation" and make sure that "stored shipments" is not activated. By doing this, an order is automatically fulfilled in Shopify and you can print labels, get a booked shipment and track directly from Shopify.

Another option is that you have not activated "Track & Trace" inside the nShift portal. You can find the settings for tracking under the menu option Maintenance/My Account/Privacy Settings.

How do you change so that deliveries are stored or booked?
Click on nShift Checkout by Oktagon, then go to settings. There you can activate or deactivate automation and stored shipments.
I get an error message that the order is available when I want to print shipping labels, what's wrong?
The most common error is that the product lacks weight.
Some carriers require weight, check what your carriers requirements are and set it at the product level.
I don't get shipping options at checkout, what's wrong?
It can be due to several things, here are some common reasons.
You set up zones, which is not needed when you use the app as they are controlled from nShift (applies only to nShift Professional and Premium as essential lacks logic)
It could be the language settings, currency settings or weight. Do you have e.g. prices in USD in your shop but the price in the nShift portal is in SEK, it will not work, the same applies to language.
Currencies, languages, weight settings and other product settings must be set correctly in Shopify and match the settings in the nShift portal.
How do I set a certain shipping option to only show up for a specific collection in Shopify?
You set this on the shipping method in your nShift account in their portal. For example, if you have a collection called "Bulky Products" then you will have two parameters in nShift that you can use, isroductcollectionbulkyproducts which is a boolean parameter with the default value "false" and countproductcollectionbulkyproducts which is a integer parameter with default value 0.
Then in the nShift box for "Conditions" you can write, for example, isproductcollectionbulkyproducts = true to only show the shipping option if the collection for the products is only Bulky Products.
You can also use, for example, countproductcollectionbulkyproducts = 5 to only show the shipping option if the shopping cart contains 5 products that have the Bulky Products collection.
Updated on: 23/10/2024
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