PostNord Ship Connect - Magento 2 / MANUAL
PostNord Ship Connect - Magento 2 manual
🚀2023-02-07: PostNord now supports zones. Create your own zones based on the countries a shipping method works for, create your own rules based on weight ranges and order value, etc. Settings can be found as usual in the PostNord portal under the Skicka Direkt Business/E-commerce tab.
Latest version: 1.0.20 released on 2025-01-29
System requirements
PHP 7.3+
php-curl extension
sha256 hash algorithm support
Magento: 2.3.6+
Shipping selector widget for ordering or shopping cart at checkout
Create reserved shipments
Create booked shipments
Create shipping labels
Create tracking links
Change shipping option after incoming order
Add shipping options from PostNord on incoming order using other carrier
Single or Bulk-print shipping labels
Two-way syncing of transmission changes from PostNord's Portal and Magento 2
Turn deliveries and turn & return deliveries
This module requires a PostNord Skicka Direkt Business account.
Questions and support regarding PostNord Skicka Direkt Business
For questions and support about PostNord's services and settings on, please contact PostNord directly.
Follow instructions below to properly install the extension.
In order to be able to install the module you first need to contact Oktagon to receive a username and password for your license.
Install module via Composer
composer config repos.oktagon composer
Note: Replace username och password above with your license credentials that you received earlied
composer require mediastrategi/postnord
Installation & Configuration
Test on a staging server first. Enter username and password when prompted. (Replace xx_YY or the other languages with the ones you use.)
Run the following commands to install and setup the module.
bin/magento maintenance:enable
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento module:enable Mediastrategi_PostNord
bin/magento cache:enable mspostnord_cache_api
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US sv_SE xx_YY
bin/magento maintenance:disable
Restart varnish (optional)
service varnish restart
We also have a tutorial "How to use PostNord Ship Connect for Magento2" with english subtitle.
Login to the Magento 2 dashboard.
You should see notification to set up the module, if not click STORES > Settings > Configuration and then Sales > Delivery Methods > PostNord Ship Connect
Follow the on-screen instructions and review all the fields in this section, when you are done clicking 'Save Config' at the top and then clearing cache by clicking SYSTEM > Tools > 'Cache Management' and then clicking 'Flush Magento Cache'

Process an order from the order view
Click the 'Ship' button, on the next page tick the 'Create Shipping Label' check box, create your package and enter the weight. After that, click 'Save' to create your shipping. If you use booked shipments, you may need to wait up to 10 seconds before the shipping label is created.
Change PostNord shipping options on an existing order
Visit the order and click the 'Load available shipping options' button, then select shipping options and then click 'Save new delivery method'. After that, you should be able to treat the delivery as in the point above.

Process orders automatically with automation
Automation should run every 15 minutes automatically, but to run it manually, click SALES > PostNord Ship Connect > Control Panel, and then on the next page click 'Run Automation'.

Download shipping label or visit tracking link directly from order list
There should be two new columns in the order list, one for shipping label and one for tracking link, click on them to get shipping label and tracking link respectively.

Print multiple shipping labels as a document
Tick multiple orders and in the bulk actions select 'Print Shipping Labels'
Enable automatic customs declarations
Automatic customs declaration only works for Booked shipment, so you need to enable that first. You can only create customs declarations for orders created after installing version 1.0.20.
In the module settings you additionally need to fill in all fields in the tabs Standard API, Customs Declarations and Consignor.
Make sure that the attributes your select for Country of Origin and HS Code have values on the products in your shop. Make sure the tariff codes are valid.
Setup customs declaration rules by clicking SALES > PostNord Ship Connect > Dashboard, then Customs Declarations.
Add as many customs declaration rules as you need, visit the PostNord Online resources if you need help regarding what kind of documents to use for different countries, services and values. You can activate customs declarations by services and/or destination countries, order minimum subtotal and order maximum subtotal. The first matching rule will only be used, if no rules match then there will be no customs declaration for the shipment.
When you are finished click the Save button.
Now next time a shipment is created you should also get an automatic customs declaration document, in order to debug configuration errors it can be wise to create shipments manually before using an automatic shipment creation order flow.

1.0.20 [2025-01-29] Support for automatic customs declarations.
1.0.19 [2024-12-10] Support for sending product categories slugs as attributes to PostNord in checkout. Enabling hiding shipping options based on attributes in the PostNord Portal.
1.0.18 [2024-09-03] Improved tracking numbers and links, improved performance, compatibility fix for upcoming API change
1.0.17 [2023-12-19] Shipment status update now at most takes 15 shipments at a time
1.0.16 [2023-11-08] Tracking number is now the tracking-identifier instead of the shipment-number
1.0.15 [2023-06-28] Fix for configuration validation error in configuration
1.0.14 [2023-01-23] Now handles error that happens when try to create a shipping label for a already delivered shipment
1.0.13 [2022-11-29] Catching error in automation if order contains product that no longer exists
1.0.12 [2022-11-21] Added support for PHP 8.1
1.0.11 [2022-11-14] Added a fallback language setting, using english as language when communicating with PostNord API if neither Swedish or English is detected
1.0.10 [2022-10-31] Various improvements
1.0.9 [2022-07-26] Improved handling of case were order lacks shipping method
1.0.8 [2022-06-07] For free shipping options the text 'Gratis' is used, when no address is specified in checkout pick up in store locations will still be listed
1.0.7 [2022-04-20] Support for Magento 2.4.4, added setting for printing options
1.0.6 [2022-02-14] Added support for ETA, added support for selecting store pick up locations
1.0.5 [2022-01-18] Added support for new feature - is recommended. Sorting of shipping methods in Magento 2 now same as from the PostNord API. Added feature to display changelog in admin. Now only shows PostNord logo in checkout if only PostNord options are displayed
1.0.4 [2021-12-16] Improved hostname resolving for license in some environments
1.0.3 [2021-11-29] Improved automation and other general improvements
1.0.2 [2021-11-19] Added support for showing shipping methods from other modules
1.0.1 [2021-10-19] Added support for multiple shipments per order
Updated on: 29/01/2025
Thank you!