Easy Mass Order Actions - Magento 2 / MANUAL
Easy Mass Order Actions - Magento 2 extension Instructions
Latest version: 1.0.13 that was released on 2023-12-14
System requirements
Magento 2.3.6+, 2.4+
With this module, you can easily update or complete an order directly from the order view. You no longer need to enter each individual order, select only the orders you want to handle, and select "Action" from the "Actions menu". You can decide which "action" combinations to display in the "Actions menu".
Examples of new "selections" in the Actions menu:
Process invoices
Process invoices with email notification
Process shipments
Process shipments with shipping label creation
Process shipments with email notification
Process shipments with shipping label creation and email notification
Process invoices and shipments
Process invoices and shipments with email notification
Process invoices and shipments with label creation
Process invoices and shipments with label creation and email notification
Follow instructions below to properly install the extension according to your license.
In order to be able to install the module you first need to contact Oktagon to receive a username and password. We also need the name of the domain (incl. dev, test, staging etc) the module is going to be installed.
Add composer repository
composer config repos.oktagon composer https://user:[email protected]/
composer require mediastrategi/module-easymassorderactions
Note: Replace user and pass above with the credentials you received earlier.
Install & Setup
Run the following commands to install and setup the module. Test on a staging server first. Enter username and password when prompted.
bin/magento maintenance:enable
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento module:enable Mediastrategi_EasyMassOrderActions
bin/magento cache:enable mseasymassorderactions_cache_general
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
bin/magento maintenance:disable
After you have installed this extension you need to follow these steps.
Login to the Magento 2 dashboard
In the dashboard main menu > Stores > Settings > Configuration, click Oktagon (Mediastrategi) and then click on Easy Mass Order Actions. See image below.
Click on the “General” tab to open it.

Click License tab and enter your license password there
Select the options you want to have available on the order-page (Actions dropdown). Select more than one option using ctrl+click.
1.0.13 [2023-12-14] Removed references the deprecated Zend_Measure constants
1.0.12 [2022-04-08] Added a source weight unit setting that overrides system setting
1.0.11 [2022-03-02] Creating shipping labels now consumes less memory
1.0.10 [2022-01-14] - Added minimum weight setting
1.0.9 - Added Magento 2.4.x compatibility
1.0.8 - Made Magento 2.3.x a minimum requirement
1.0.7 - Fixed compatibility with Magento 2.1
1.0.6 - Added capture payment to process invoice
1.0.5 - Fixed issue were creating shipping label caused internal error
1.0.4 - Added Core module as dependency
1.0.3 - Compatibility with Magento 2.3
1.0.2 - Bug fixes
1.0.1 - Initial release
Updated on: 14/12/2023
Thank you!