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Shipit Now for WooCommerce / MANUAL

Shipit Now - WooCommerce

Latest version of the plugin: 1.0.25 which was released on 2024-11-18 see change-log at the bottom of the page

Plugin system requirements

PHP 7.4+
php-curl extension
sha256 hash algorithm extension
WooCommerce: 5.6.0+
Wordpress: 3.9.0+

Main features of the plugin

Carriers & shipping methods

Supports 30+ carriers and 100+ shipping methods to choose from, ex. PostNord, DHL, DB Schenker, Bring, Airmee, Budbee, Instabox, Mathahoulto, Posti and others.
Show multiple carriers, shipping methods and service points in your checkout.
Supports popular payment options such as Klarna Checkout, Dintero, Svea, Nets Easy Pay, Payson, Stripe, Paypal and more.

Use your own shipping agreements and pay carrier rates+€0.2 per order or use Shipits agreements and pay only carrier rates. Pick-up locator/Service Points is included in both cases.

Shipping rules

Show multiple carriers, shipping methods and service points in your checkout based on your own rules.
Create shipping zones and set shipping rules based on zipcodes, country, order weight and cartprice.
Show or hide carriers and shipping methods based on rules you created, ex. Show only if order weight is above 5 kg and below 10 kg.
Show shipping rates based on the rules you created, ex Shipping rate should be €14.9 if the order is below €80 and €9.9 if above €80.

Create Shipping labels

Create one or multiple shipping labels at the same time in WooCommerce.
Create shipping labels and return labels at the same time in WooCommerce.
Print one or multiple return labels at the same time in WooCommerce.
Store orders in the Shipit portal and finish the shipments and print labels from the portal later.

Automation (without a click of a button)

Automatically create shipping labels and return return labels based on WooCommerce order status ex. Pending payment, Processing, Completed.
Automatically receive tracking links when labels is created.
Automatically complete orders when creating label.
Automatically send order notification with tracking link to customers when order is completed.

Managing orders

Manually create one or multiple shipping labels at the same time in WooCommerce by clicking a Process-button.
Manually create shipping labels and return labels at the same time in WooCommerce by clicking a Process-button.
Split orders into multiple shipments by clicking and editing the placed order.
Change shipping method and service points by clicking and editing the placed order.
Create stored shipments directly from WooCommerce and complete in the portal later.
Track shipments by clicking the in WooCommerce using the created tracking link.

These are just some of the features available and new ones are coming all the time

Installation of the Shipit Now plugin

After you have purchased the free plugin, you will receive an email with a username, password and a download link.
Log in to your WooCommerce dashboard and click Plugins/Add new in the main menu.
Click Upload plugin-button at the top, click Select file and locate the plugin file you downloaded earlier and click the Install Now-button.
Go to Plugins/Installed Plugins in the main menu and activate the plugin by clicking the Activate link below Shipit Now
You should now see a message at the top of your dashboard, click link in message. Note! If you don't see the message, go to WooCommerce/SHIPIT dashboard in the main menu and start the setup and configuration below.

Setup & Configuration of Shipit Now for WooCommerce (VIDEO COMING SOON)

Go to WooCommerce/SHIPIT dashboard in the main menu.
Follow the on-boarding instructions, once you're done, installation and setup should be complete.
Go to WooCommerce/Settings/Shipping/Shipping zones.
Click Add shipping zone.
Add a Zone name and choose which regions to be added to your zone.

Note! Click Limit to ZIP /postcodes if you want to narrow the zone down further.

Click Add shipping method-button and select SHIPIT and click Add shipping method-button

Create shipping methods of type Oktagon/SHIPIT and click Edit

Fill in the fields and select the carrier and any rules for the shipping method.

Click**Save changes-button**
Repeat step 6-9 to add more shipping methods.

How to print shipping labels and use Shipit Now

Process an order from the order list

Click the blue Process-button on the right side of the order list.

Edit or customize an order

Go to WooCommerce/Orders, Click on the order you want to edit. If you need to change the shipping service, weight or something else you need to do it before you click the Process-button.

Process multiple orders (Bulk process)

Check multiple orders in the WooCommerce/Orders list and then click Bulk actions at the top and select SHIPIT - Process Shipping, then click Apply-button.

Print multiple shipping labels (Bulk print)

Check multiple orders in the WooCommerce/Orders list and then click Bulk actions at the top and , select SHIPIT - Print Shipping Labels, then click '**Apply-button**.


1.0.25 [2024-11-18] Fix for Wordpress 6.7 translation issue, Improved support for PHP 8.4
1.0.16 [2023-03-16] Minor fixes to meet Wordpress/WooCommerce Plugin Directory requirements
1.0.15 [2023-03-15] Support for pallet and document shipment services. Support for turn- and return shipments
1.0.14 [2022-12-08] Fixed order weight calculation when order contains variable products
1.0.13 Added new variable for logic: $subtotalPostDiscounts that is the cart subtotal after discounts has been applied
1.0.12 Updated name of plugin to meet new Wordpress/WooCommerce Plugin Directory requirements
1.0.11 Improved checkout styling
1.0.10 Miscellaneous fixes
1.0.9 Minor stability improvements
1.0.8 In orders list view, a maximum of one label and tracking-links is shown per order until you hover with mouse
1.0.7 Package minimum weight setting. Package contents encoding fix. Improved checkout design
1.0.6 Improved support for postcode selectors in Klarna Checkout
1.0.5 Support for postal code selector at checkout, being able to change shipping service on order, being able to change delivery location on order
1.0.4 Improved cache invalidation
1.0.3 Added new setting to adjust checkout order review design
1.0.2 Improvements of design in checkout
1.0.1 Improvements in bulk printing of shipping labels
1.0.0 Initial release

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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